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Mum shares photo of neighbour’s ‘horrific’ parking but not everyone agreesA woman cheap jordans for sale is furious with her neighbour’s daughter over her ‘ridiculous’ parkingApparently the neighbours park over the lineGet the biggest daily news stories by emailSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailGetting along with your neighbours can be cheap authentic jordan shoes websites tricky.Although there are walls that divide you, it can sometimes feel like they’re very cheap jordans invading your space, especially when it comes to cheap jordans from china parking spots.One mum was fuming after their neighbour supposedly parked over their line, and went online to slam the neighbour’s daughters parking as ‘ridiculous’, adding cheap jordans on sale that she is ‘horrific’ at it.She posted a picture of their car, but not everyone agrees that it’s all that bad.Writing on parenting forum Mumsnet, she said: “I’m beyond fed up of this parking situation. This is our situation tonight.Swimming teacher shares shocking texts from mum demanding free ‘exclusive’ class”[My husband] is due back from work in about 20 minutes and because of this ridiculous parking from neighbour’s [daughter], won’t be able to park our Citroen Picasso (not a small car.”We’ve lived here for over a year now and had no problems parking. Last month we had neighbours cheap jordans online china move in next door and their daughter is absolutely horrific at parking, to the extent where I’ve had to climb over the passenger seat to get into the driver’s seat.”They also let their dog out at stupid o clock morning and night and it immediately starts barking!”To complicate matters, the mum said the family keep ignoring when she knocks and they own their house while she rents through a housing association so there’s no landlord they could ask to have a word.The problem divided opinion on Mumsnet, as many commented to say they don’t see a major problem with the neighbour’s parking.One wrote: “I was expecting to see half the car over the line. Cheap jordans
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